Tonight I sit here 1000 miles away from where my dad is in the hospital. He was given a pint of blood tonight as his hemoglobin was very low. Bleeding internally and blood pressure is very low, too.
He is going to be 87 years old on Sept 26, 2011. A long healthy life he has been blessed with. Last Saturday he fell crushing and fractured a vertebrae in his back (L-2). Painful and alone Saturday night he sat all night. He lost a 2nd wife in June 2011 to cancer. No matter the age of a parent it is always sad to know that their time in this world is nearing closure. Realizing that for him the sadness, aloneness and issues age brings will end and the peace we all long for is waiting; still doesn't make it easy to let go. Who knows he might be here in 10 years as his family history is for a very long life. But the sadness in my heart tonight seems to tell me different and distance makes it harder.
God Bless
He died Feb 16th, 2012 of pneumonia. I miss you Dad.. Love you and give Mom and June a hug from me.